4rth Annual MBS Ohio Expo
July 13th -14th, 11a-5p
$5.00 Admission- Kids 10 and under free

Speakers 2019
 Sat. 10:45a Opening Drum Ceremony

Sat. 11a   
Guided Blood Walk Meditation – Sean Black and Kelly Jeffery will lead us on a journey to our own sanctuary where we can begin to develop the skills to walk our bloodline through time following our ancestors.  This is only the first step in the process of learning to Blood Walk, but from the lesson, you can get a glimpse of where you will start from, and with that knowledge be able to begin a journey that will last a lifetime.

Sat. 12p
Developing your Intuition- Erica Grooms
Increased intuition can help us think clearer, make better decisions, have greater abundance in our lives and enhance our imagination.  Increased intuitiveness helps our relationships with loved ones, family, peers and with our spirit guides, angels, higher-self and God/Source. You will learn several techniques to help increase your intuition so that you have a more balanced, aligned state of happiness and wellness
Sat. 1p
Irrefutable laws Part 1 (Vibration) – Sean Black and Kelly Jeffery will discuss 5 Irrefutable Laws (from The Kybalion) that are associated with Vibrations.  Gain an understanding of the metaphysical science that can help us shape our reality and better our own lives through choice and will.            

Sat. 2p 
The Cataclysm of the Ancients: Atlantis & beyond. 12,950 BCE - Denise Beno
Legends exist in over 100 cultures across the world of a deluge that occurred in ancient times which covered the land, destroyed great cities and killed many, many people. Evidence exists of major floods in many places, so scientists know there has been catastrophic flooding in the very distant past, possibly several times. New scientific discoveries are leading scientists to piece together a story of how this flood happened. Learn how new discoveries are changing the stories of our history and our evolution.              

Sat. 3p
What is Norse Pagan Shamanism in the Modern Age? – Sean Black will share with us his journey as a Norse Pagan Shaman. Including the challenges, he faced in modern society and what it means to have such a calling from your ancestors.             

Sat. 4p 
Crystal Bowl Meditation - Karen Rollins 
For thirty minutes, how would you like to…. Be in a relaxed state? Quiet your mind? Connect with your heart? Recharge your energy? Rebalance your chakras? Reconnect to your Higher Self?
During this guided meditation, we will use the crystal bowl to help create a healthier, more balanced state.

Sun. 11a
The Mandala Movement: What's It About?
Ginger Patterson
Mandalas are an ancient symbol found throughout many cultures of the world. So why are there 271,000,000 results in 0.80 seconds on Google for the word Mandala today? Why are there 60,000 products with the word Mandala on Amazon? Come find out the answers to these questions and learn how you can put this ancient symbol to work to transform your life.

Sun 12p
 Irrefutable Laws Part 2  (Action)
Sean Black and Kelly Jeffery will discuss 5 Irrefutable Laws (from The Kybalion) that are associated with Action.  Gain an understanding of the metaphysical science that can help us shape our reality and better our own lives through choice and will.

Sun. 1p
Sacred Geometry - Denise Beno

Sun. 2p 
Protection Wards 
Sean Black and Kelly Jeffery will share the many Metaphysical wards that one could employ to protect themselves and their loved ones. This will range from Words of Power to Servitors and Egregores.
Sun. 3p
Ask a Witch - Brandy Hallett
Curious? On the fence? Need clarification? Brandy will touch on the tenets of Witchcraft and help dispel some common myths. She invites you to ask questions and get to know the spiritual path of “The Craft”. Fear the unknown a little less after this presentation.

Sun. 4p
 Irrefutable Laws Part 3  (Growth)
Sean Black and Kelly Jeffery will discuss 5 Irrefutable Laws (from The Kybalion) that are associated with Growth.  Gain an understanding of the metaphysical science that can help us shape our reality and better our own lives through choice and will.

Closing Drum Circle - Melissa Ware
Stick around after the Expo for a community drum circle 5-7p

    All presentations will be held on the 2nd floor. This area is only accessible by the stairwell.